Tuesday 3 February 2015

The Other Game Theory

The Theory Pillars

According to the ESRB (entertainment software rating board) 67% of American households play video games, the average age of 49% of those gamers is 18-49.
There is a profound component in the very essence of games and gaming that attracts adults, in this series of articles will try to explore the physiological effects that games have on gamers and some  applications of these effects on both personal and business aspects of our lives.

The main Pillars that will be covered are


2- Story telling

3-Hero worship

There is much to tell in the story of games and there are more into the gaming history. Some of the other sides that wouldn’t be covered in this series of articles are for example the evolution of the technical effects, the battle between different gaming companies, the history of specific games that are considered corner stone’s in the industry.
Such topics are interesting and there is a value added in both studying them and discussing them.
Yet the main focus of these articles will be on the three mentioned pillars covering as much ground as possible.
The gaming culture is increasing and the force of the game is unstoppable. The gamification of business culture is a trending topic as it was on the top of corporate training list in 2014.
So we will began our journey in the gaming world in the next article tackling the issue of gratification and the reflection that gaming gratification could have on both business and personal life.

For feedback or questions please contact me on

twitter: @fouad_khafaga
hotmail: fouad_khafaga@hotmail.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Great Teaser, can't wait for these series. And as always, stats to back up the article credibility
