Monday 12 October 2015

The Other Game Theory (Customer Motivation)

“If you study as much as you play games, you would’ve become a rocket scientist”

 I think this is an iconic statement that every gamer was told by his parents, just change the career path and the position based on the country and culture of the gamers’ family, yet it could be a worldwide iconic statement.
One of the reasons that made me believe in the commonalty and the universality of this statement is the vast amount of both time and effort that the gamer’s community invests in gaming.
According to Forbes magazine

"The 100 Biggest Gaming YouTube Channels Now Bring in 3.5 Billion Views a Month. That’s more than the number of all the people who have access to the internet combined which is 3.1 billion active internet users."

Over 59% of Americans play games this adds up to 150 million people in the U.S.  alone with the average age of 31. So what keeps gamers in general motivated? What makes them invest long hours in gaming?
Well Maslow might have the answer to these questions; Dr. Abraham Maslow is an American psychologist who described human needs in a pyramid hierarchy and the pyramid levels of motivation or needs is as follows:
  • At the bottom of the pyramid are the Basic needs or Physiological needs of a human being.
  • The second level of the pyramid is Safety Needs: Security, Order, and Stability.
  • The third level of need is Love and Belonging.
  • The fourth level is the Esteem
  • Then on the top of the pyramid is the Need for Self-actualization.
Just as a thought I wanted to apply Maslow’s motivation theory or the pyramid hierarchy of needs into the gaming world and see if games satisfy the human needs as Maslow visualized them.

Level one the “survival”:
In the 80’s games like Mario, Street Fighter, Contra and Pac man came to being. The common factor being these games is that they are a survival task through satisfying a basic need like eating mushrooms or white dotes in the dark. In street fighter and contra the task was to survive against time or to literally maintain health in front of the opponent.

Level two “Security”:
This is an issue of debate on how the gaming industry has satisfied this level in Maslow’s pyramid of motivation and here are 3 of those points of views:

1- That the gamer himself is safe, not matter what kind of explosions, death threats or even actual killing the gamer is safe.
2- That the game allowed the character to level up increasing the characters power or equipment which provided a higher sense of security, for example in a game called “Earth Worm” the more points the character collects the better the weapon becomes and sometimes get a different stronger weapon all together, In another skating game named after the skater “Tony Hawks” the more points the character collects tony gets to own a new better skating board which means he will fall less and he will be safer and more  secure.
3-This theory suggests that the gaming industry replaced security for progress. In games like “Aladdin”, “resident Evil” and “Mutant Ninja turtles”. The character doesn’t get to advance or progress to the next level of the game until they kill all the enemies or clear all the danger from the level that is currently being played. In other words the character does not get to progress or advance until the area is both safe and secure.

Level 3 “belonging”:
 The gaming industry was able to satisfy this need in more than one way, one way is that the simple fact of being a video gamer your invited to join that inner circle of gamers, the feeling of if you enjoy video games you’re not alone there are other people, other group that shares the same passion as you.

Another way in which games enhance the sense of belonging especially in the age of high speed internet and fiber optics connection, the Internet opened up opportunities for play across local area networks and vast distances. The majority of games have some kind of social features - whether that’s multiplayer, co-op, or massive multiplayer online game (MMO).

Now the gamer is connect with his or her team in real time feed, some of the most obvious examples of this are games like Call of Duty, Far Cry & the racing game Need for Speed.


Level 4 “Esteem”:

 From stunning visuals to loud music and praising commentator’s one can easily tell that the gaming culture knows how to raise the gamers self esteem, from the arcade era of gaming up to date achievements, trophies, awards and high points are a big part of the game. This is from as simple as having a high score in the arcade game putting the name on the top list to now sharing the score on every social media platform.


Finally level 5  on the top of the pyramid self actualization:

This is actually a hard level to write about as the concept itself of self actualization is debatable even Maslow has modified his pyramid in an academic paper. Yet Maslow himself defined this level in his book motivation and personality as the desire to achieve the highest form of what one aspires to become.

For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings, pictures, or inventions.

Gaming satisfy this need in a unique way in gaming the gamer not only gets to be whatever he or she aspires to be, the gamer gets to create both his character and his world in games like “SimCity”, “Spore”, and “Civilization”.

I would like to sum up by saying that all the games that were mentioned have other features and could simulate different motives to different people. Yet this article as part of the series just deals with Maslow’s pyramid and what could mirror his stages in the levels of gaming..

Twitter: @fouad_khafaga
Google Plus : +fouadkhafaga


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